Boba Development blog is a personal pet project that I did to try out the NodeJS framework. Frontend, backend in the same language? Sounds amazing. It contains a minimally viable set of features for a blog CMS, including login sessions, ability to add, edit and remove posts using a WYSIWYG html editor.
You can find the GitHub repo here.
Here’s some FAQs to answer some of the questions you didn’t know you had
What is Boba?
Why a Boba Blog?
Cause I like bubble tea, and I consider myself a connoisseur of this fine beverage. Having braved my calories count on them, I unilaterally decided that people would want to read my reviews about them.
Some of your posts aren’t really about Boba?
If you think about it (or don’t), milk tea is just bubble tea without the bubbles.
Why do you write like a teenager?
Cause I wrote them when I was teenager. I wrote most of my reviews on Google Keep even before I had the web app, so it was a matter of posting them.
Have you stopped drinking boba since December 2018?
No, but I have also moved on to better beverages in my life. (and also better things to do than writing about bubble tea…maybe)