designAR - smart dressing mirror using augmented reality


designAR is intended as a smart mirror that allows you to pick the occasion you’re trying to dress for, such as an interview, school, or a date, and designAR will suggest outfits made from clothes in your closet.

These outfits will appear on your body using augmented reality, so you can see exactly what it would look like on you without even having to try it on.

We built a prototype application using ARKit for iOS on XCode. We then used the phone camera as the mirror’s vision, and displayed the phone screen on a desktop monitor. The prototype has a selection of three outfits, from which the user can pick which one to be augmented on them. Because it’s augmented on them, they can spin around to have a full 360 view of how the outfit looks on them.

I suggested this idea for the team, mainly because I learnt from WWDC19 that the experimental ARKit 3 (together with iPhone 11) had the capabilities to track human body motion, so I thought it would be cool to thinker with it during the hackathon. All the judges had a great time trying out our demonstration. Our demonstration also impressed a VERY fashionable judge, who himself was donning a stunning detective trench coat.

This project is done in a team of four for TartanHacks 2020. It won the Best Entrepreneurial Hack Award by Project Olympus. Our Hackathon DevPost