Autolab Metrics - helping instructors identify at risk students for early intervention

Traditional approaches of identifying students who are struggling with class is reactive; course staff wait for students to come to them to provide help, which can often be too late. A proactive approach, where course staff can monitor student progress to identify struggling students would be much more beneficial.

In the Fall of 2020, I led the development of the Autolab Project’s new metrics feature with 6 team members.


Effectively help instructors identify students who might be struggling in class

To achieve that, we would need to:

  • Proactively track metrics that might signify risk
  • Provides sufficient and relevant information for instructors to determine if a student is high-risk
  • Requires little maintenance on the instructors’ part, notifying only when they need to act

Risk Metrics

Our team conducted user interviews with 6 professors at Carnegie Mellon, we have ascertain that an initial set of conditions that could help identify potential at-risk students.

Risk Conditions Potentially Identifies
Students who have used X number grace (late submission) days by date Poor time / workload management
Students whose grades have dropped by X number percent within Y number consecutive assignments Gradual slipping of grades
Students who did not submit X number assignments Skipping work
Students with X number submitted assignments below a percentage of Y number Generally weaker students

Prototype Iterations

Together with my team, we iterated on prototypes. Our first idea was that given a set of conditions, a running list of students would be generated. Instructors will return to this page to manage student’s progression.

Prototype Sketch 1

From internal discussions, we realize that it is much more valuable for instructors to not need to actively manage and curate the list. So we decided to have a watchlist that notifies them like an email inbox.

Prototype 2

User testing helped us figure out that batch actions are important, and we also then fixed other copywriting issues

Prototype 3

With a satisfactory prototype, we proceeded to implement the feature into our application.

Metrics Feature

Student Metrics

Instructors will set up their course as per usual, and then they will set up their Student Metrics.


Instructors are then able to refresh and keep track of students in need of attention in the Watchlist. They are then able to use it as a work list to keep track of whether a student has been contacted and resolved. Each row of student also has sufficient information to help instructors determine the reason the student is deemed as needing attention.

Update: As of Fall 2021, it has been successfully deployed onto CMU’s production Autolab, and we have been getting instructors to use the feature.